Personal Data Protection

If you are our customer, news subscriber or a website visitor, you entrust us with your personal data. We are responsible for their protection and security. Please familiarize yourself with the protection of personal data, principles and rights that you have in connection with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

Who Is the Administrator?

The administrator who is responsible for your personal data is the company Code Creator, s.r.o., Nové sady 988/2, 602 00 Brno, Czechia, ID: 24298433, enrolled in the Commercial Register at the District Court in Brno, section C, inlet 119038, e-mail: – operator of the portal. We process your personal data as an administrator, i.e. we determine how the personal data will be processed, for what purpose and for how long, and we select any other processors.

Our Declaration

We declare that, as the administrator of your personal data, we comply with all legal obligations required by applicable legislation, in particular the Personal Data Protection Act and the GDPR, and therefore that:

  • we will process your personal data only on the basis of a valid legal reason, in particular a legitimate interest, execution of the contract, legal obligation or granted consent,
  • we fulfil the information obligation according to Article 13 of the GDPR even before the processing of personal data itself,
  • we will enable and support you in enforcing and execution your rights under the Personal Data Protection Act and the GDPR.
  • Scope of Personal Data and Processing Purposes

    We process personal data that you provide to us at the registration because of the following reasons (to fulfil these purposes):

    provision of services, execution of the contract

    your personal data in the range: name and surname, address, residence; company name, headquarters, ID, VAT (in case of a legal entity), phone number, e-mail, if it is necessary for the execution of the contract


    If you are our customer, we need your personal data (invoice data) in order to comply with the legal obligations for the issuance and record keeping of tax documents.

    marketing - sending newsletters

    Your personal data - e-mail - for sending business messages. If you are our customer, we do so because of a legitimate interest, as we reasonably assume that you are interested in our news, for a period of 5 years from the last order.

    If you are not our customer, we send you newsletters only in case of your consent for a period of 5 years from granting the consent. In both cases, you can revoke this consent by using the unsubscribe link in every e-mail we sent you.


    When browsing our website, we record your IP address, how long you stay on the page and from which page you came. We perceive the use of cookies to measure website traffic and personalise web pages as our legitimate administrator interest, as we believe that we can offer you even better services thanks to this.

    Cookies for targeted advertising will be processed only with your consent.

    We process the following categories of cookies:

    Required - They are necessary for the proper functioning of my site, logging in, submitting forms, etc. This type of cookie cannot be refused as it would limit the functionality of the website.

    Preferential - They allow the website to remember information that changes how the website behaves or looks. This is for example your preferred language or the region you are in.

    Performance - Help measure the performance of a website. We do not ask you for any personal information when using performance cookies and we only use the information collected through these cookies in an aggregated and anonymised form.

    Marketing - We use them to track a user's website preferences for the purpose of targeting advertising, i.e. displaying marketing and advertising messages (including on third party sites) that may be of interest to the website visitor, in line with those preferences. Marketing cookies use tools from external companies. These marketing cookies will only be used with your consent.

    Our website can also be browsed in a mode that does not allow the collection of personal data. You can control the processing of cookies yourself as follows:

  • directly in your web browser;
  • on Our website (Change cookie settings).
  • Security and Personal Data Protection

    We protect personal data as much as possible using modern technologies that correspond to the level of technical development. We have taken and maintain all possible (currently known) technical and organisational measures to prevent the misuse, damage or destruction of your personal data.

    Transfer of Personal Data to Third Parties

    Our employees and co-workers have access to your personal data.

    To ensure specific processing operations that we are unable to provide on our own, we use the services and applications of processors, namely:

    They are providers of the following platforms:






    Passing Data on Outside the European Union

    We process data exclusively in the European Union or in countries that provide an adequate level of protection based on the decision of the European Commission.

    Your Rights in Relation to the Personal Data Protection

    You have a number of rights with regard to the protection of personal data. If you would like to use any of these rights, please contact us at

    You have the right to information that is already fulfilled by this web page containing the principles of personal data processing.

    Thanks to the right of access, you can contact us at any time and we will provide you with evidence of what personal data we are processing and why within 30 days.

    If you find your personal data out of date or incomplete, you have the right to complete and change your personal data.

    You can use the right to restrict processing if you believe that your data we are processing is inaccurate, if you believe that we are processing your data illegally, but you do not want to delete all data, or if you have made a protest about the processing.

    You can limit the scope of personal data or the purposes of processing. (For example, by unsubscribing from a newsletter you limit the purpose of processing to sending business messages.)

    Right to Erasure (to be Forgotten)

    Your other right is the right to erasure (to be forgotten). We do not want to forget you, but if you wish, you have the right to do so. In this case, we will delete all your personal data from our system and from systems of all sub-processors and backups. We need 90 days to finish the right to erasure.

    In some cases, we are bound by a legal obligation, e.g., we have to keep invoices for the period stipulated by law. In this case, we will delete all such personal data that is not bound by another law.

    Complaint to the Office for Personal Data Protection

    If you feel that we are not handling your data in accordance with the law, you have the right to contact the Office for Personal Data Protection with your complaint at any time. We will be very happy if you inform us in case of such a suspicion at first so that we can try to resolve it and correct any mistakes.

    Unsubscribe from Newsletters and Business Messages

    If you are our customer, we send you e-mails with inspiration, articles or products and services based on our legitimate interest.

    If you are not our customer yet, we will send them to you only with your consent. In both cases, you can unsubscribe from our e-mails by using the unsubscribe link in every e-mail we sent you.


    We would like to assure you that our employees and co-workers who will process your personal data are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of personal data and security measures, the disclosure of which would jeopardise the security of your personal data. At the same time, this confidentiality continues even after the end of our contractual relations with us. Your personal data will not be passed on to any other third party without your consent.

    These principles of personal data processing apply from 1 January 2022
