I will help you with on/offline distance learning

Distance learning
has never been
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Create interactive materials for your students with me and share it from your online school library
Multimedia ebooks with interactive elements so called mBooks
represent a revolutionary form of study and reading experience.
I will help you create, publish and distribute your own mBook and an electronic library so that your students, teachers and customers can experience modern education.
I can work with communication platforms Cisco Webex, Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom.
Školení zdarma
Free trainings on Fridays

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Distance learning
will impress you with high quality content, unconventional
interactive elements and practical study tools.


  • own electronic library for sharing mBooks
  • centralised management with controlled access for individuals and groups
  • capability to monitor the work with teaching material
  • possibility to create knowledge tests
  • secure data with encryption against undesirable redistribution


  • fast on/offline access to data
  • time flexibility for learning
  • teaching from any device independently of location
  • simple use
  • interactive study tools (automatic citations, text highlighting, notes, etc.)
  • comparative prestige (study from tablet/smartphone)
  • minimum load on back (light school bag)


  • distance learning tool
  • tool for creation materials to classes
  • possibility to create various study materials > lessons, methodologies, exercise books, workbooks, homework assignments
  • feedback on how students use mBook
  • modern way of passing information in a comfortable environment (new learning method)


  • independent student
  • free time for your duties
  • return to the supervision role (school is the one who is teaching, not the parent)
  • responsible and modern approach of the school to on/offline teaching
  • care for a healthy back thanks to absence of a heavy school bag
Courses accredited by the Ministry of Education
Technical processing of digital materials for on/offline learning

Introduction with the conditions for the creation of electronic materials, formats and available tools.

Duration: 4 hrs.

Max. number of participants: 10

Form: webinar

Price: 995 CZK without VAT

Technical processing of digital materials for on/offline learning

Easy creation of DVZ materials for teaching using study tools.

Duration: 4 hrs.

Max. number of participants: 10

Form: webinar

Price: 995 CZK without VAT

Technical processing of on/offline knowledge tests on the Publi platform

Easy creation of TESTS for teaching using study tools.

Duration: 4 hrs.

Max. number of participants: 10

Form: webinar

Price: 995 CZK without VAT

On/off-line education with Publi platform and online communication tools

Practical use of HW and technology on/offline, including interconnection through communication tools.

Duration: 4 hrs.

Max. number of participants: 10

Form: webinar

Price: 995 CZK without VAT

I can do so much more
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registered users
books in online libraries
collaborating customers
opening of books per year
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with your project?
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